Hi Chess Opening Experts!
This week, GM Eugene Perelshteyn shows you a cool setup vs the annoying Symmetrical English based on …Bf5 move. The point is to follow it up with Qd7 and Bh3, and maybe even h5-h4! You can get a crushing attack as Black without even castling! Eugene also presents a cool idea to neutralize the Nimzo-Indian 4.Bd2, old but tricky line that’s getting more and more popular. Also, don’t forget to check out the A-bomb! A completely new idea in our beloved Grand Prix Attack, 5.a4! Watch the videos and start playing this right away!
New setup against the Symmetrical English with Bf5
Grand Prix A-Bomb Attack, Brand New Weapon Revealed!
That’s a wrap for this week’s newsletter! Want something you want us to talk about in our next newsletter? Tweet us @ExplainChess and we just might cover it!